At H&H our forester’s are uniquely positioned to assist you in the sale of your timber. Being continually involved in timber sale transactions, H&H has a constant grasp on the cyclical ups and downs of markets throughout the Piedmont and tidewater areas of Virginia and northern North Carolina; thereby assuring you of the best possible sales price. Numerous studies by university researchers cite both the silvicultural and economic benefits of landowners engaging a professional forestry consultant in the sale of their timber. Studies have shown an average net gain of 20-30% in consultant led sales over those handled directly by a landowner.
These These numbers play out in real life as well. In sales where H&H clients received “street offers” prior to our selling their timber, we’ve averaged 28% more NET revenue for our clients than had they accepted the existing offers. That is NET after fees. Considering the opportunities to increase the sale value and -peace of mind knowing the sale will be executed correctly, it is hard to justify not engaging a professional.
The extensive management services we provide shed a practical light not just on the marketing and harvesting in the sale itself, but on the impacts of sale design and execution decisions that will affect future stands for generations to come. Our long-term view on forest management ensures that decisions such as slash disposal, road layout, deck location, stream crossings, residual tree felling, harvest timing and others, will be conducive to the future plans for reforestation and management.
No matter the size or value of your timber tract, let us help you through the process. You’ll be glad you did.
There are many questions to be answered in preparation for a properly executed timber sale. Here is some food for thought.
Are your ownership goals well defined?
- Wildlife, forest health, recreation
- College or retirement funds
- Investment portfolio diversification
What type of management regime best fits your goals?
- Clearcut, thin, select groups, shelterwood or
- Leave it to grow
Do you have the information you need to make a sound decision on when to sell?
- Independent timber cruise and appraisal
- Professional market review
- Financial maturity of your timber
- Health and biological maturity of your timber
Will the logger/buyer implement environmental protection practices?
- Streamside buffers
- Water quality and seed tree law compliance
- Litter and petroleum spill cleanup
- Remain within sale unit boundaries
We address each of the preceding questions and more to ensure that your timber sale experience is the best it can be.
How do we do it? We:
- determine your goals and objectives
- perform a statistically based timber cruise
- design harvest to maximize economic, wildlife, aesthetic and recreational attributes
- paint or flag the harvest boundaries and/or individual trees to be cut
- draft draft a Pre-harvest plan to address concerns such as the location of haul roads, skid trails, logging decks, and stream crossings
- market your timber to as many as 140+ perspective buyers
- provide you with timber sale contract recommendations to ensure your goals are met
- recommend the sale structure that will minimize your tax liabilities perform multiple logging inspections to ensure the buyer’s full compliance and
- offer a full spectrum of additional management services including reforestation to ensure that your property will be cared for well into the future
Timber sale administration fees are typically structured as a commission on total sale revenues. Rates are adjusted on a sliding scale to account for differences in exceptionally high or low valued tracts.